Saturday, November 8, 2014

Interview with author, Liz DeJesus

FIRST FROST (Musa Publishing, June 2012) is a charming novel that falls into my very favorite category, the Young Adult Fantasy. Like the popular TV series, Once Upon A Time, FIRST FROST assumes that fairy tales are real in another dimension, but that’s where the similarities end. The descendants of Snow White seek refuge from persecution by relocating to Delaware…and it works. Bianca Frost and her mother run a children’s museum filled with fairy tale artifacts until an evil witch tracks them down. The witch wants Queen Mirabel’s spell book and revenge. When she kidnaps Bianca’s mother and drags her through a magic portal, Bianca must risk everything to bring her back.

This week I’ve had a chance to interview the author of FIRST FROST, Liz DeJesus. 
What drew you to write in the genre of YA Fantasy? 
I’ve always been interested in fantasy, fairy tales and young adult books. I think that the right story and characters came along when I needed them to. :) 

How did you come up with the idea of FIRST FROST? 
I got the idea for First Frost while watching a commercial for a local children’s museum. I thought about how cool it would be to have themed museums (pirates, dinosaurs, fairy tales) all geared towards children. And once I got the idea for a fairy tale museum I just knew that I have to write this down. And before I knew it, First Frost was born.  

Tell us about the sequel to FIRST FROST, GLASS FROST (Musa Publishing, July 2013). 
In Glass Frost Bianca goes back to Everafter with Ming. Queen Felicia has asked Terrance to find Bianca and ask her for help locating Cinderella’s glass slipper. 

What other publications have you released?
I have written a novel titled Morgan (Indie Gypsy, Summer 2014), The Laurel (Musa Publishing, Winter 2014, and a few short stories that were featured in these anthologies, Night Gypsy, Someone Wicked and Twice Upon a Time. I’m also the author and creator of the comic book Zombie Ever After (Emerald Star Comics, Winter 2014). I’m still working on the third installment of the Frost Series, Shattered Frost. 

This blog tour just happens to occur during National Novel Writing Month. What advice would you give to new novelists? 
Don’t let fear stop you from writing. A lot of writers let fear and anxiety stop them from writing their novel or from finishing their work because they are often worried about what people will think when it gets published. I don’t think about that kind of stuff. I write to entertain myself first and then I worry about what everyone else will think. 

Do you participate in writer’s organizations, critique groups or writer’s forums? How have memberships in these groups helped you as a writer?
Personally, I don’t do critique groups. I had a bad experience in the past and decided that I was better off on my own and I like not having the pressure of impressing my colleagues. But the one thing that has helped is a Facebook group called 250 Plus. The goal is to write 250 words a day and in this group you share your progress and people give each other positive support for however many words you were able to write. 

You’ve published FIRST FROST and GLASS FROST through Musa Publishing. How did you become involved with Musa? 
I LOVE Musa Publishing. I still can’t remember exactly how I stumbled upon their website. All I know is that ever since I signed a contract with them my life and career has changed for the best. I have learned so much about writing through them and I will be eternally grateful for them for everything they’ve done for me.

Why did you choose them to produce your work? 
I chose them to produce my work because I liked the fact that they were supportive of authors and their contracts were available on their website at the time. It was full transparency. They weren’t hiding anything from the authors. 

They have things set up that I can check on my sales any time. I can email them a question and hear back that same day. I can call and speak to an actual person when I need an answer right away. If I need postcards? They design them and place the order for me ASAP. I need a banner? Same deal. They’ll  design it and order it for me and I’ll have it in my hands in a few days. I can seriously go on and on about how amazing the staff is at Musa Publishing.

Thank you for taking the time to share your work with us.

About the Author- 
Liz DeJesus was born on the tiny island of Puerto Rico.  She is a novelist and a poet. She has been writing for as long as she was capable of holding a pen. She is the author of the novel Nina (Blu Phi'er Publishing, October 2007), The Jackets (Arte Publico Press, March 2011) First Frost (Musa Publishing, June 2012), Glass Frost (Musa Publishing, July 2013), Morgan (Indie Gypsy, July 2014) and The Laurel (Musa Publishing, November 2014). Her work has also appeared in Night Gypsy: Journey Into Darkness (Indie Gypsy, October 2012) and Someone Wicked (Smart Rhino Publications, Winter 2013).

Liz is currently working on a new novel and a comic book series titled Zombie Ever After (Emerald Star Comics, Fall 2014).

Find out more about Liz DeJesus and all her published works at the following links:

Thursday, October 30, 2014

"Strange Donation"

My Halloween-themed flash fiction piece, "Strange Donation" just won second place in Morning Rain Publishing's Freaky Flash Fiction 2014 Contest. Follow this link to read my story and all the other winners at

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Interview with author, Simon Paul Wilson

This week I’ve had the opportunity to interview author, Simon Paul Wilson, whose novel, YUKO ZEN IS SOMEWHERE ELSE, will be released by the Pankheast Group on October 31.

YUKO ZEN IS SOMEWHERE ELSE started off as a the introspective musings of a loney man, morphed into a coming-of-age novel for a teenage girl, and ended up being a sci-fi/fantasy battle of good versus evil. Unique and always surprising, YUKO ZEN IS SOMEWHERE ELSE is a joy to read. The major turning point of the story, the point after which I couldn’t stop reading, was when Yuko lost her best friend.

What made you think of this plot twist as the way to move the story less from the ramblings of a teenage girl, and more into a supernatural thriller?
Personally, I like movies and books that start as one thing and then gradually morph into something quite different. Something I really wanted to do with Yuko was create a character that readers would become attached to or relate with, to give people a character they would be interested in and root for. My intention all along was to build Yuko's world, knock it down, and replace it with something that was far from normal. If a reader is truly into a character, then they will follow him or her, no matter where they go. That's what I hope people will do with Yuko. 

In the end, the main characters are challenged by the forces of evil, which fear Yuko’s potential power. This part of the story reminded me of the parable of Job, where Job becomes an unwitting pawn in a games of wills between God and Satan. 
Do you think we are all playthings for the forces of good and evil?
Interesting question! I think we all have good and bad inside us. It's up to us which one of those we decide to be our master or guiding force. If we were to think of our emotions and how they can control us, I guess we could say we are playthings of good and evil, in a way. Yeah, interesting question...

At the end of YUKO ZEN IS SOMEWHERE ELSE, good wins out and circumstances are changed. Here in America, our western ideology demands that good always prevails. That’s not necessarily true for other cultures. 
How much of your work is influenced by the teachings of Eastern mythologies versus Western ones?
To be honest, the original ending of Yuko Zen was a little bit more ambiguous and in keeping with Eastern fiction, especially that of Japan and Korea. Having traveled and lived in Asia for many years, my writing has been deeply influenced by Eastern mythology and culture. I like stories that end and make me think about what may happen next. As for Yuko Zen, does good really win at the end? Or is it a small victory? As the writer, I have my own opinion of what may happen next, I would be very interested to hear what other people think. 

What can we look forward to reading from Simon Paul Wilson in the future?
I am very nearly at the end of a third rewrite of a novel called GhostCityGirl - a cyberpunk ghost story set in future Japan. I have also started work on a new magical realism novel called Ten Things To Do Before I Disappear. I'm very excited about both of them. Let's see what happens!

Tell us more about yourself.
Simon Paul Wilson writes quirky fiction. Originally from the UK, Simon traveled to Asia and found his second home. Heavily influenced by his time in China and Thailand, Simon's stories usually feature kooky Asian girls and ghosts with very long hair. When not writing, Simon listens to post and prog rock at a very loud volume. He also likes to play air-guitar.

Let’s talk about Pankhearst. What excites you most about being part of the Pankhearst group? 
Honestly, I think everything the Pankhearst group releases is top quality writing. I really do feel honoured they like my humble scribbles. I would also like to say I have not been bribed to say good things.

Participate in the launch events (competition and giveaway) at
Before October 31, pre-order YUKO ZEN IS SOMEWHERE ELSE at the following links:
After October 30, get your own copy of YUKO ZEN IS SOMEWHERE ELSE at
Find out more about Simon Paul Wilson at the following links:

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Interview with author, Scott Butcher

Scott Butcher is a rising star among Canadian children’s book writers. However, his writing is versatile, and there are a lot more stories in several genres yet to come from Scott. Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to review four of Scott’s middle-grade books and to ask him a few questions.

Scott is represented by the relatively new imprint, Morning Rain Publishing. His first novel, released by them, is AN EAGLE’S HEART. Narrating in a voice reminiscent of the indigenous peoples of the Canadian Arboreal Forest, AN EAGLE’S HEART tells a remarkable tale of how a Merlin Falcon and his fellow raptors save a grove full of song birds in Thunder Bay from a murder of crows. Not only does the reader see the story unfold from the point of view of the humans who observe the birds settling into their backyard, but also from that of the birds themselves. Using authentic descriptions of the behavior of a variety of birds including eagles, hawks, falcons, blue jays, robins, chickadees and crows, Scott weaves a believable tale of betrayal and justice.

Morning Rain Publishing has also released the first three novellas in the six-part FAIRLY STILLWART CHRONICLES, a heart-warming tale of perseverance and adventure about a stubborn pixie in a fairies’ world. The chronicles are set all over the planet, starting in Australia and moving across Canada, before ending up in the old country of Ireland.

In the first chronicle, STILLWART AND THE SOUTHERN FAIRIES, Stillwart overcomes discrimination from her community in Australia, since she is the only pixie among a large group of fairies. In A PIXIE PILGRIMAGE she is compelled by the Northern Pixies of Ireland to transport unhatched fairies from Australia to repopulate and reenergize magic in Ireland. Unfortunately, she and her band of brave fairies and pixies are placed on the wrong flight and end up in Vancouver. With the help of a wayward, orphaned fairy they met at the airport, and two human college students, they drive across Canada to Nova Scotia in THE SCOTTI AND FAIRIES DON’T EXIST. There they are able to save the Nova Scotia fairies and rekindle a pixie kingdom.

The fourth chronicle, TORY BLITHE AND THE ST. JOHN’S PIXIE, is soon to be published, so that’s where I started my interview.
When is the fourth Stillwart Chronicle going to be released?
I don’t know. It’s been accepted by the publisher [Morning Rain Publishing], but they’ve been busy with other books and haven’t given me a time (though I’ve signed a contract). I’ve temporarily put it on Wattpad to culture some readership for the series so it can be seen there for free at the moment. Others of the series are now finished as well.

How did you come up with the idea for the Stillwart Chronicles?
It was from a weekly flash fiction (short story) event. It was supposed to be a story about ‘cinema’, so I invented a tale about a cheeky (somewhat grumpy) little pixie girl who was looking after the ticket booth for an outdoor animal cinema. I liked the character so much that I wrote another short story about her, and then it became a book, and then a series.

How much fun was it to include characters in the third chronicle, SCOTTI AND FAIRIES DON’T EXIST, that closely resemble your own daughters?
I don’t know why I did that, but it was fun. It just sort of happened. I tend to write about things I know, and I know about places I’ve been, and I know about my daughters, so it just seemed right.

How much research did you have to do before writing AN EAGLE’S HEART?
Lots. I’m a scientist when I’m not writing books, I write for that too, but it’s a different type of writing. Anyway, I research all my books pretty heavily. An Eagle’s Heart, was easier in that we lived in the area where I set the book. So there are lots of eagles, harriers, blue jays, and other species there (all the birds in the book). A lot of the research was from first-hand experience, otherwise lots of background reading.

Are you a bird enthusiast?
Yes, I like birds, but the truth is that when we came back to Canada we lived in the centre of Thunder Bay where there is only sea gulls and crows, they kill the other birds. I missed the colourful bird life we had in Australia. When we moved to the outskirts of the city, there were all sorts of new species to discover! It was great. The book evolved from that move.

You’ve written novels for children and adults, which do you prefer?
Both. Though I find it easier to finish children’s books because they’re shorter. They’re more satisfying from that point of view. It’s always nice to have the finished story.

How did you become involved with the publishing imprint, Morning Rain Publishers? 
An Eagle’s Heart has a strong outdoor North American feel to it. I had it on a writer’s site for some time. I polished it up there with the help of many people (including Laura). Then when I thought it was ready I withdrew it from the site with the idea of pedaling it to some local Canadian publishers. As it happened some of the Canadian ladies from that same site were starting a little Canadian publishing house, and asked if they could publish the book. I said, yep, that sounds good to me.

What is the best and worst thing about your relationship with them?
Editing is the worst (it has to be done). They found so many things. I thought I’d polished it pretty well, but, nope it needed more. The best thing has been keeping a fun relationship going with a lot of the authors I knew from that old author site. The continued friendships (and new friendships) make it worthwhile.

Tell us a little about Scott Butcher, the author? 
Born in Australia to Canadian parents, I moved back and forth between the two countries (you can see a bit of me in Stillwart) for much of my younger life. I returned to Canada five years ago with my wife and children. I’ve always made up stories for my children, and I’ve wanted to be an author since I was 17. Finally made it, though it took me 35 years. Check that one off the bucket list. Funny thing is it’s addictive, I can’t stop now. I just keep writing.

What can we look forward to reading from you in the next year or so?
The last of the Fairly Stillwart Chronicles are finished now, so hopefully they’ll appear soon. I’ve also written a special chronicle called “The Hidden Chronicle” which is also part of the series (sort of).

I’ve been working on an adult book for some time, which I’ve just changed the title to. It’s now “The Bloodline of the Faery Queen”. There are other projects in the wings, including a sequel to “An Eagle’s Heart” and a spinoff of the Stillwart Chronicles, called “The Magic Sisters”. They may take me a while to write though.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Interview with author, Lucy Middlemass

Hi Lucy,
Thank you so much for agreeing to give me an interview. I have admired your work for a couple of years. 

Last month, I had a chance to speak with Evangeline Jennings about the exciting publications produced by the Pankhearst Group. In addition to being a senior editor at Pankhearst, you have contributed quite a few stories. Most recently Pankhearst has released two new projects: the single, CONVERTIBLE, an extension on the CARS AND GIRLS theme, and MOREMAIDS, a continuation of the flood theme from MERMAIDS.

CONVERTIBLE starts with a hair-raising tale of two young women on holiday and a rusted out "Mazda", written by Jane Bradley and is followed by your novella. "Volvo" is a quirky whodunit with a twist, as a girl from the bad part of town teams up with a self-absorbed doctor's daughter to thwart a band of car thieves. The best surprise in CONVERTIBLE is the freebie, "Taxi", a fast-paced thriller also written by you.

Your contribution to MOREMAIDS is the short story, "Bad Little Pirates". I must admit I was shocked and somewhat disgusted by the surprise at the end. Your stories always seem to include a wicked twist, which is why I like them. 
Tell me more about MOREMAIDS. In MERMAIDS, there was a clear societal progression over time from one story to another. Is there a unifying theme to MOREMAIDS as well? 
Moremaids follows a similar progression. In a world like our own, there’s a great flood. Everything gets wet. Society breaks down. Things dry off a bit for some people, and they survive on boats and islands. 

In addition to Pankhearst, you chair the Young Adult Reading Group on the writer's web site, One of my favorite stories shared on Authonomy was your novel, JINGER BARLEY AND THE MURKLE MOON. I am delighted to hear that it is soon to be released by Pankhearst. 
Tell us more about Jinger. 
It’s a friendly, gentle story with lots of cups of tea and whimsy. On Millennium Eve, The Murkle Moon wanders away from its hometown and hundred-year-old Arthur Oldham needs to find out why. He returns to his observatory at Murkle Manor School to look for answers. Thirteen years later, for the first time ever, a child not from Murkle starts at the school and no one but the Moon knows why.

Editing a full-length novel is one of the least-enjoyed aspects of being a novelist. You had the opportunity to receive a professional review of JINGER BARLEY AND THE MURKLE MOON from a Harper-Collins editor. Did their feedback help you in your editing process? 
Yes, it did help. It highlighted parts of the plot that didn’t work, and I changed them. I also received a lot of useful feedback from members of Authonomy.

The predominant advice to writers is "Write what you know." You're life must be quite robust if you have intimate knowledge of the lives of both an escaped Russian convict and a blind Pakistani immigrant college student as well as all of the English characters you've brought to life ranging from the financially advantaged to the abysmally destitute.
Where do you get your ideas for all these complex and diverse characters? 
They’re the right characters for their stories. Sana, the Pakistani girl, belongs in the world I put her in. Those are her experiences and it’s her voice. All the things make her who she is – where she’s from, how she lives as a student with a visual impairment – are the same things that make her story. Like lots of people who write, my ideas for characters come from different places. 

How much time do you spend developing backstory for your main characters? 
Their backstories develop as I write, and are what I need them to be for the story. In Our Russian Soldiers, Viktor, the escaped convict, has a very different backstory to Hannah, the narrator. When it floods and they’re brought together, it’s their backstories that shape their relationship and what happens to them.

Let’s talk about Pankhearst. What excites you most about being part of the Pankhearst group? Most of my readers are writers, so what grabs your attention when looking at submissions to Pankhearst?
It’s exciting to work with talented writers and brilliant stories. That’s the main thing. I like attention-grabbing original work, but also new ways of telling the same stories. Some stories are important enough to be told over and over – particularly those told by women, because they’re not heard enough.

What do you look for in a story and what do you look for in a writer?
Voice. Attitude. And potential. Also an actual story. I like writers who care about their work. I don’t mind writers whose work needs a lot of time spending on it, or who don’t make all of our suggested changes, but it’s important they care about it.

Describe Pankhearst’s production process for accepted work.
Accepted work goes through numerous rounds of editing and proofreading. It gets easier with experience – spotting errors, applying grammar rules, understanding what a writer wants to achieve. It’s important to us to publish work that’s as good as we can make it. Although it’s irritating in everyday life, it turns out proofreading is an excellent outlet for pedantry so I’m pretty happy with that. Any mistakes in this interview are, of course, deliberate.

What's next for Pankhearst?
Busy. Busy. Busy.

The Singles Club will continue. The next three will round 2014 off in style. October will be elegant and literary. Our Halloween single will be different again and exceptional. And the Christmas single may well blow up in our faces. In 2015 Ellie Mac will be picking up the pieces and shaping the year's singles. The Singles Club is permanently open for submissions.

Moving away from the singles, Halloween will be a big time for us because we will also publish our first standalone novel - Yuko Zen Is Somewhere Else by Simon Paul Wilson - and make our first attempt at some kind of Proper Book Launch. We're hoping people will be charmed by our shambling amateurism.

Following hot on Yuko's heels, November will see the release of Evangeline's Riding In Cars With Girls which is her personal sequel to the original Pankhearst Cars & Girls collection. It will feature six of her stories - all different and yet clearly hers - about ... um ... cars and girls and stuff.

Also in November, we launch our first Slim Volume - a collection of poetry and short fiction curated by the chart-topping poet Kate Garrett - complete with readings and other such larks in swinging Sheffield, England. Kate intends to publish two Slim Volumes a year. Submission for Slim Volume 2 (May 2015) will open in December and the theme will be travel and place.

Here's Lucy's author bio:
Lucy is a tidy and wise person living a 1970’s lifestyle in a 1980’s house. She's a parent of two cats, and she does have a favourite. Lucy doesn’t like travelling, or new experiences unless they are theoretical. Lucy edited and contributed to the YA collections HEATHERS, MERMAIDS, and MOREMAIDS. Her debut novel will be JINGER BARLEY AND THE MURKLE MOON.

Thank you for inviting me to contribute to your blog, Laura!

Follow the Pankhearst Group at
Get your own copy of MOREMAIDS at
Find a copy of CONVERTIBLE at
Follow Lucy on Twitter at @lucymiddlemass.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Personal Opinion: Take a Stand America. Shun NFL Football.

I love American football, which is weird because I grew up in a house inhabited entirely by females. Growing up, my family consisted of my mom, my sister, me and assorted cats or dogs, all of whom were female. In Santa Monica, even our car mechanic was a woman. No one in my life watched football, or even talked about it.

Then I started high school and joined the marching band. As a member of the band I was required to attend every home game, and even some of the away games. The more I watched the sport, the more I loved it. When we relocated to Northern Virginia, I quickly adopted the Washington Redskins as my home team. Through the ups and downs, since 1978, I've always supported them.

Not anymore.

In future weeks my blog will feature interviews with some great authors: Lucy Middlemass, Simon Paul Wilson, and Liz Dejesus. While I wait for those scheduled interviews to occur, I've decided to fill this week's blog post with reflections on the state of professional American football.

Why do I love football? I find it more entertaining than all other sports. Baseball and golf move too slowly. Basketball and Hockey are too fast; I can't keep my eye on the ball/puck. Tennis is two-dimensional, which is not as exciting as other sports. Football has strategy, like chess, but in real-time. It features fantastic feats of athleticism. There is risk, because the players might get injured, like an action-adventure movie. It's well-defined, with rules and referees. I just love football.

In general, sports are an important part of life. In Gordon Russell's, The Social Psychology of Sport, he outlines all the different ways we use sports to fulfill our basic needs. By applying the aspects of sports to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, he explains how sports allow us to form social bonds, develop self-esteem and confidence through athletic success, and achieve recognition from others for our accomplishments in sports. He even explains why sports can alleviate frustration and stress from other aspects of our life by allowing us to assert ourselves physically against an opponent.

American football takes it one step further, because spectators can vicariously feel the same sense of self-actualization as their adopted team players. In his 2006 blog article, "Why do Men Love Football", Pastor Rich Vincent adds that football appeals to men's territorial instincts, allows them to participate in a military-like event, and "provides a window of meaning in an uncertain and chaotic world." 

In short, football is supposed to be a good thing. It should be a safe outlet for controlled assertive behavior. It should allow us, the spectators, to relieve stress and resolve conflict without death or serious injury. To my mind, the players should be more controlled and relaxed off the field because they exert so much energy and assertiveness during the games. Notice I did not use the word 'aggression', because by definition, aggressive behavior includes the intent to harm another person.

Patrick Rishe, in an article written for Forbes titled, "Breaking Bad: The Economics, Sociology, and Psychology of Law-breaking Behavior by NFL Players," brings several disturbing elements of the NFL to light. Mr. Rishe quotes the following: 
Dr. Steve Ungerleider, a psychologist at the University of Texas, notes that academic literature has long pointed to a disproportionate amount of violent criminal behavior in NFL athletes.  “What you see in football players, from a young age is that they are trained to hit hard, be aggressive and take severe damage.  Not only are they bigger, stronger, faster, but they’re coached to hit harder and in many cases, illegally.”
He also quotes Dr. Lawrence Wenner, the Von der Ahe Professor of Communications and Ethics at Loyola Marymount University, asserting that NFL players are "privileged, protected and given special treatment...devoting disproportionate time to athletic activities, and not fully developing as a human being."

Mr. Rishe even cites statistics on the cultural differences in attitude toward violence between African-Americans and people of other ethnic or racial backgrounds, noting that two-thirds of NFL players are African-American.

None of that excuses what has happened the past two weeks in the NFL. There must be a distinction between behavior on the field and off it. As long as the NFL and the NFL Players' Association continue to degrade and demean women and children, as long as they condone league members committing acts of criminal violence off the field, we as fans and spectators have a moral obligation to show our disapproval. Both Roger Goodell, National Football League Commissioner, and Eric Winston, president of the players' association, are grossly disconnected from mainstream society and clearly clueless about how disgusting these acts of domestic violence seem to the average viewer.

Society offers us one appropriate response: shunning. That's why there will be no football airing in my house tomorrow. My son will not wear his Redskins t-shirt to "Support Your Favorite Team" day at school on Tuesday. We will not buy products from companies that support the NFL. Until detailed, appropriate policies are in place to immediately condemn players who commit criminal acts of violence off the field, both within the league and the players' association, my family will shun NFL football.

It is a sad, but necessary action if we expect the NFL to change whatever systemic problems lead to this type of widespread negative behavior. I urge others who agree with me to do the same.

Take a stand, America. Shun NFL Football.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Interview with author Laura Emmons

You are reading that right. This week I’m interviewing myself on the eve of the release of my second novel, HEALING HANDS. I’ve taken three weeks off from writing my blog. First I had to get my son settled into the fifth grade. Then my sister traveled all the way from Oakland to visit us. Finally, I’ve reworked the covers on all three of the novels in my Queen of the Night trilogy and have line-edited the first two books in that series. I thank you for your patience and look forward to offering many more exciting author interviews in the near future, starting with my own project.

In January 2001, author Ginger Strivelli posted a blog article that captured my attention. She titled the article “Appalachian Granny Magic.” Here’s an excerpt of what she said:
     The Appalachian Granny Magic Tradition of Witchcraft is very old, dating way back to the first settlers of the Appalachian Mountains who came over from Scotland in the 1700's. They brought along their even older magical traditions with them. Those 'old world' traditions were blended with a dash of the local tradition of the Tsalagi (aka the Cherokee Indians).     The Witches of the Appalachian Mountains called themselves 'Water Witches' and/or 'Witch Doctors' depending upon whether they were personally more gifted in healing, midwifery and such realms of magic, or if they were more in tune with dowsing for water, ley lines, energy vortexes and the making of charms and potions. Often a Practitioner called themselves by both titles if they were so diverse in their Magical practices.
     The Appalachian Granny Magic Tradition, like many of the older ones, was passed on from parents to their children for many generations, and generally was not 'taught' outside of the individual family structures. Because of the rural and secluded nature of the Appalachian community, the old customs, wisdom, and practices were not as often lost, forgotten, or 'modernized' as the 'old world' traditions that came over to other, more urban areas of the 'new world.' Therefore, one will often find that ancient Scottish songs, rhymes, dances, recipes, crafts, and 'The Craft,' are more accurately preserved in Appalachia than even in Ireland or Scotland.
     Many of these old traditions, both magical and mundane, were carried on in Appalachia until modern times. Some songs, spells, and such have been passed down for many years that way, though sadly, sometimes only by rote, with the original meanings beings lost in the shifting sands of time.

Wikipedia states the following, under the heading of Granny Woman: “Granny women were healers and midwives in Southern Appalachia and the Ozark Mountains, documented as practicing from the 1880s to the 1930s. They were usually elder women in the community and were often the only practitioners of healthcare in the poor rural areas of Southern Appalachia. They seldom expected or received payment, and were respected as authorities on herbal healing and childbirth.”

Through the University of North Carolina Press, Anthony Cavender documented many oral histories and herbal remedies of Granny Magic practitioners in his 2003 book, Folk Medicine in Southern Appalachia.

My father insists that his entire family, including me, has the magical gift of Dowsing, i.e., they are water witches. My maternal grandmother insisted that her father was a Mayan shaman who had psychic visions, and told me that I had visions too, when I was a small child.

After moving to a part of the Appalachian region, in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, and seeing the beauty of the natural environment, how could I not latch on to the concept of Granny Magic? In my fertile imagination, the story of Maggie Stewart was born.

HEALING HANDS is the second book in the Queen of the Night series. It is not necessary to read the first book, SEEING MAGIC. However, those interested can find it available for free this weekend on 

     Last summer Maggie found out three things. First, magic exists. A whole community of magical humans and non-humans use magic to keep the balance of nature intact. Second, she is the daughter of two powerfully magical people. Her father was a Seer, a psychic, before he died in combat as a member of the Army’s Special Forces. Her mother is a Healer, she can direct spirit energy through her hands to heal the sick and injured. Maggie developed a magical gift no clan member had ever encountered. She can see both a person’s aura and any illnesses or injuries in their body. She calls it her Healer Vision. Third, her mom is sick. She battled breast cancer last summer, and won, but a tiny four millimeter tumor in the other breast made Maggie constantly vigilant.
     Now she’s sixteen, smart, athletic and devoted to her eleven-year old brother, Corey. She’s wanted to be a doctor since she was five; her unconscious mind accepted her future as a Healer even then. She matured over the summer, she doesn’t hold material things in as high a regard as the beauty of nature. She accepts responsibility and understands duty. Maggie is even able to hold her hormones in check, because the clan forbids a romance with Evan, so she agrees to be his best friend instead.
     Evan Keach is a seventeen-year old Seer. He was forced to grow up too soon when, at the age of fifteen, he was chosen to become a member of the clan council in his highly-secretive, tightly-knit, magical coven, the Cacapon Clan of Appalachia. Evan is more powerfully magical than most in his clan. As a result, they treat him strangely. They are afraid to get close to him because of his remarkable gift of premonition. At the same time, they are drawn sycophantically to his influence in the community because of his position in the local government. In particular, Madison, a twenty-six year old clan member, is obsessed with him to the point of stalking. Only Maggie and her Great-Aunt Fiona treat him normally. That’s why he’s devoted to his mentor, Fiona, and his best friend, Maggie. Secretly, he aches for a closer relationship with her, but clan law and the moon goddess forbid it.
     Two months ago, Maggie attracted the goddess’ attention. The Queen of the Night was outraged to learn that Maggie’s parents had a child. Knowing the legend of the Destroyer, Maggie lied to the goddess’ heavenly face. She told the goddess she had no siblings. Now she has to keep her brother off the goddess’ radar, and the best way to do that is to fulfill her own destiny and become the next Great Healer of Cacapon. The Queen of the Night has spies everywhere, and one of them seeks to win Evan for herself. Both Maggie and Evan are torn between their duty to the coven, their fear of the goddess, and the irresistible pull of their hearts. 
     On Halloween night, while her brother was trick-or-treating, her mom developed terminal cancer. Suddenly, Maggie's an orphan, a mid-year transfer student to a high school in eastern West Virginia, and the only person who can keep her little brother from destroying the cycle between Night and Day. 
     This year, Maggie is supposed to develop the crucial skill of energy-touch therapy (aka Healing Hands) so she can become the next great spiritual healer of the Cacapon clan of Appalachia. She also has to help her brother cope with the loss of their mother so he doesn’t turn evil. Furthermore, if she doesn’t find out who’s been murdering members of her family for the last seven generations, she’ll probably be next.

For more information on the Queen of the Night series, visit

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Interview with author, Becky Muth

Appalachia is a cultural region in the Eastern United States that stretches from the Southern Tier of New York to northern Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. As of the 2010 census, the region was home to approximately 25 million people, containing the major cities of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Knoxville, Tennessee, Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Asheville, North Carolina. 

When most people think about Appalachia, they think about moonshining, NASCAR and clan-feuding. Poverty, lack of health care and poor education seem to be the traits most commonly associated with this part of the country. Coal mining, steel work and logging brought work to Appalachia, but not wealth for most of its residents.

Author Becky Muth found other elements common to the region: myths of struggle and survival, suffering and loss, especially in the oral tradition of local women. I’ve had the honor of interviewing Becky about her recent novella release on, SCREAMING JENNY, and about the collection of ghost stories she plans to release this fall, HAUNTED WOMEN OF THE APPALACHIANS.

Becky, give us a short pitch for your upcoming book, HAUNTED WOMEN OF THE APPALACHIANS.
Travel through the Appalachian Region of the United States to meet thirteen unlucky women who become victims of dire circumstances. Death however is only the beginning of their stories.

Inspired by actual folklore, each adapted tale presents a case of past and present colliding in 13 states in the Appalachian Region of the United States: New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama.

Besides Screaming Jenny, a few of the other characters from the past include a woman who strayed too far on the wrong side of politics during the Revolutionary War, a housewife who lost her heart to an alcoholic husband, an unwed mother who reaches beyond the grave to beg a favor, and a young girl who only wishes for someone to be her friend.

What was your inspiration for writing the book?
In the fall of 2013, I spent several weeks driving my husband back and forth to a work hardening program as part of his recovery from a shoulder injury he sustained while working as a career firefighter. One day while waiting for him, I received an e-newsletter from The Moonlit Road (, a website that offers "Strange Tales of the American South".

The feature article covered the topic of the Ghost Lights of Brown Mountain, North Carolina. My paternal grandmother's maiden name is Brown. They're from North Carolina, so I was immediately curious. The article gave several theories for the cause of the lights, but nothing concrete.

When I got home, I did some more research from my laptop with similar results. It turned out that people as far away as Blowing Rock, NC reported seeing the lights. My family visited Blowing Rock while on vacation in Boone, NC in 2012. The more I thought about it, the wilder my imagination ran until I had the basic story outlined in my head.

Then I got the idea to do one story for every state in the Appalachians.

How much of the book comes from oral tradition and how much is your original fiction?

While every story is based on some type of oral tradition, handed down from past generations, each one offers my own, heavily embellished version of the events. For example, in Harpers Ferry folks will tell you that Screaming Jenny died when a train ran over her flaming body. Did she live next door to a family? Did she trade vegetables for fish with the town hobo? Those parts are all me.

In essence, Jenny met her demise because she lived alone.  Your main character, Vanessa, thinks about leaving her husband at the beginning of the story, but after hearing the tragic story of Screaming Jenny, they find a way to compromise and rekindle their relationship.

Do all of the stories in The Haunted Women of the Appalachians provide a parallel between the modern characters and the tragic ghosts of the past?
Yes, I've certainly tried to draw a parallel between the past and the present. Some stories proved a bit more of a challenge.

The first draft of Screaming Jenny had a weaker parallel with an entirely different ending. After deleting a couple of unnecessary scenes and completely rewriting the end, both my editor and I were a lot happier with the connection between the present-day characters and those from the town's past.

You and I are both members of the Eastern Panhandle Wrimos group as well as part of the larger, Shenandoah Valley Writers group on Facebook. How have participating in events like Nanowrimo helped you grow as a novelist?
When the email announcing NaNoWriMo arrived, I decided to give it a shot. Without the support and encouragement from my husband and our sons, as well as other writers in our local NaNoWriMo group, this would all still be an idea in my head.

NaNoWriMo was a great way to launch myself into the project, though, and I highly recommend all writers try it at least once. The connections I made to other writers alone was worth it. I re-used this project in the July Camp NaNo event, which helped get me back into "the zone".

SCREAMING JENNY is available now as an e-book novella on Amazon. What are your future writing plans?
My immediate writing plans include finishing HAUNTED WOMEN OF THE APPALACHIANS first. I plan to self-publish, but would not turn down talks with a publishing house if the book caught their eye. Aside from hiring an editor (Sheila Haab from everything else is all me -- the cover, the marketing, etc.

Shelia is a true blessing. Without her advice, HAUNTED WOMEN OF THE APPALACHIANS would just be something I plan to finish in the future. I definitely hope to use her for my next book as well. And of course I'll continue freelance writing through Elance for my current clients.

Beyond that, I'm waffling between ideas for different books I could someday write. There are certainly more ideas than enough time to ever see them all through, but for NaNoWriMo 2014 I'll be delving into the genre of "chick lit" with a book currently titled LOVE THY NEIGHBOR and set in Northern Virginia. If all goes according to plan, then I'd like to keep Shelia as an editor for that book also.

Tell us more about Becky Muth, the author.
I grew up in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, about seven miles from where I live right now. My dream, however, is to move to the Carolinas. Specifically, I'd love to live within an hour of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. A fishing village just south of Myrtle Beach, it offers a more relaxed pace. The story from the South Carolina chapter of HAUNTED WOMEN OF THE APPALACHIANS takes place there, and in February 2014 I had the good fortune of visiting the actual grave site of the story's main character.

Writing a book was an unexpected (although exciting) side effect of freelance writing. I started out writing for several internet game companies. Now I have clients on four continents who hire me for both writing and graphic design work. I love working from home, and joke that my dress code is Doctor Who tee-shirts and yoga pants.

When I'm not writing, I enjoy spending time with my family which includes my husband, a retired career firefighter and our two teenage sons. I'm a sucker for a good book and enjoy meeting friends for lunch when our busy schedules allow. My guilty pleasures include reality TV binges and listening to my bluegrass-themed Pandora station, which I created after learning about a local band, The Polka Dots (

I'm also quite passionate about animal adoption and often use my Facebook page to promote animal shelter awareness. Currently my family and I share our home with three mixed breed rescue dogs: Amazing Gracie (Yellow Lab / Plott Hound), Sookie Doghouse (Catahoula Leopard), and Gibson Girl (Corgi / Rottweiler).

Thank you, Becky, for sharing your work and insights with us. To find out more about Becky Muth and her books, SCREAMING JENNY and HAUNTED WOMEN OF THE APPALACHIANS, follow this list of links.
Facebook: Becky Muth Author Page
Twitter: @beckythemom
Screaming Jenny video trailer:

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Interview with author, Evangeline Jennings

In July 2013, 278 square miles of ice, an area larger than the city of Chicago, broke off Pine Island Glacier, which is part of the Western Antarctic ice sheet, and floated away. Scientists now claim there is no way to stop the melting. Rising water temperatures are also causing the oceans to expand. Predictions differ radically between scientific organizations, but we can expect global sea levels to rise between 25 and 60 feet over the next 85 years.

Delving into the important anthropological question of how society will survive the next Great Flood is the Pankhearst Group, and its senior editor, founder and major contributor, Evangeline Jennings. On August 1st they released MERMAIDS, a collection of short stories about survival after the deluge.

I've had the privilege of reading MERMAIDS, and I am moved by how each author envisions the best and worst of humanity under apocalyptic circumstances. Each story builds on the last to create an impression of doom, not because of the Flood, but because of mankind's unwavering ability to create even more pain and suffering in the wake of nature's wrath. At first, in Our Russian Soldiers, people steal from each other without remorse. In Sea Monsters, they kill to survive. In Deepwater, the powerful enslave the weak. In Land and Redeemer, the enslaved start to fight back. In Beyond the Water, a teenager overcomes hopelessness and finds a reason to continue, and in EPWA, they begin to grow a new, more equitable, society.

Evangeline took the time to answer some questions about her imprint's latest release.

Evie, describe MERMAIDS for us.
Last year, we published a book called HEATHERS that we described as a collection of true fiction for Young Adults of all ages. MERMAIDS is exactly the same, but totally different. Whereas HEATHERS offered twenty-four bittersweet slices of contemporary teenage life – the real deal, perhaps, about growing up in this world – MERMAIDS is set on a dystopic fantasy world in the years that follow a flood, which is, to all intents and purposes, an extinction event. In MERMAIDS, the bitchy cheerleader clique might try to kill and eat you.

Although MERMAIDS is exactly the same size as HEATHERS, there are far fewer stories – which means they're longer.

The first is OUR RUSSIAN SOLDIERS by the very lovely and wonderfully talented Lucy Middlemass. It's the story of two young sisters from England and their struggle to survive in the Flood.

The events in SEA MONSTERS by Simon Paul Wilson take place a year later. Two Thai sisters are waiting for their father to return from a salvage mission.

My own story is DEEPWATER and I like it so much I'm turning it into a novel. Seventy years after the flood, a teenage girl discovers the truth about the empire her father rules – a purpose-built haven created by Big Oil.

LAND by Fiona Haven focuses on one boy's struggle to rediscover the knowledge of the old world at a time when staying alive has become a full-time job.

Pippa Whitethorn's REDEEMER is, at heart, a tale of sexuality and becoming who you are.

In BEYOND THE WATER, CJ O'Shea explores the lure of suicide in a world where you don't fit and there's no other means of escape.

The last story is EPWA by TSW Sharman. Countless generations after the Flood, there are new religions, orthodoxies, and dangers. And, apparently, a new world record for the non-gratuitous use of the word "fuck".

Why do you think people are so fascinated by flood stories right now?
Maybe it's because of real world events like Katrina, Ike and Sandy? Maybe it's global warming. Or the need to explore America's fin de siècle angst.

Do you think we still have fin de siècle (end-of-century) angst? That was fourteen years ago, unless you're referring to the 60 additional feet of water we'll have to deal with in 2100?
More the end or closing of an era. I believe we may be living through the end of the great American era. 

Other nations are rising. Multinational corporations are bleeding citizens dry and selling their futures overseas while government smiles. The political system here has failed, leading to a descent into ignorance, fundamentalism, and a war on women. Why wouldn't people write about the end of their world?

Excellent point. No wonder people are thinking about drowning.
In our case, the flood theme is mostly happenstance.  HEATHERS was named for the Winona Ryder movie of the same name – which gave us the idea of including a character named Heather in every story – and so when we decided to do a follow-up we were torn between doing BEETLEJUICE or MERMAIDS. We toyed with a collection of modern-day horror stories called BEETLEJUICE but then I got the idea for MERMAIDS and everyone said YEAH!!! In fact, the idea was so popular that there will be a second volume of MERMAIDS published later in the year.

Tell us about Pankhearst.
Pankhearst is not a company as such. We're not doing this to make money. We exist to help writers develop and grow. And hopefully make good art. Every penny we make – not that it's a lot – is ploughed straight back in.

So far, we published three full-length collections – MERMAIDS, HEATHERS, and CARS & GIRLS – and we've also released a "single" every month during 2014. Typically, the singles have been stand-alone short stories or novellas, Tee Tyson's recent MINI combines two short stories that could have been published in CARS & GIRLS and our September single, CONVERTIBLE, also a candidate for CARS & GIRLS, is split between Jane Bradley and Lucy Middlemass.

I've worked hard on Pankhearst for more than two years and I'm now beginning to pull back from collections to focus on longer fiction products – both my own and other writers'. For example, we will be publishing our first novel, the marvelous YUKO ZEN IS SOMEWHERE ELSE by Simon Paul Wilson later this year and we're aiming to get Lucy's enchanting JINGER BARLEY AND THE MURKLE MOON into an Amazon near you in time for Xmas. But that doesn't mean we're winding down on our projects, only that other people have to drive. For example, EllieMcG is taking over the Singles Club at the end of the year, and Kate Garrett who produced our least orthodox and most successful single so far is currently collecting submissions for something called SLIM VOLUME which may become a quarterly journal of poetry and flash fiction.

Just as Kate has become our poetry editor, if other writers have ideas they want to run with, out of the box or hiding in the corner, then we'll support them and provide the technical expertise, editorial help, and production platform they need to follow through.

So, basically, Pankhearst will become whatever its members want it to be.

Want to know more about Evangeline Jennings, the author? Here is her standard bio.
Evangeline Jennings is an unreliable narrator. She tells lies for fun and profit. Mostly fun.

If Evangeline was a song, she'd really like to be, she'd be "Public Image" by PiL or possibly "You Don't Own Me" by Lesley Gore.

Born and raised in Liverpool, where they invented football and popular music, she now lives in Austin, Texas. The black sheep of her family, she comes from a long line of Californian beauty queens on her mother's side. As she so often says, Northern Scum, Southern Belle.

Evangeline watches an awful lot of movies and TV. During the break she cooks popcorn and writes stories about revenge.

Follow Evangeline on her Author page at
Follow the Pankhearst Group at
Get your own copy of Mermaids at

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Interview with author, Adam Oster – Part Two

Adam's new book is THE RISE OF THE FAT MOGUL.  It's the sequel to THE LEGEND OF BUDDY HERO and the second book in THE DEFENDER'S SAGA.
Saving the world doesn't mean squat if no one knows it was ever in trouble. Buddy Hero and the New Defenders may have defeated the villainous Dominion and saved the world from ultimate destruction, but thanks to another worldwide redaction, no one knows. So when a familiar face appears and claims to be the head of the Meta Human Defense Team, the heroic team finds themselves facing the ultimate decision.

The New Defenders find danger coming at them from all sides as they face off against yet another world-threatening calamity, all in full view of the Sun City Comic Convention and the Real Life Superheroes.

Now if only they could come up with a way to pay the rent.

Here is how Adam describes himself on his Amazon author page:
Father, Husband, and Office Drone by day, author Adam Oster spends his nights crafting worlds that abound with action and adventure, and fills them with stories of excitement and wonder. He lives in Eau Claire, WI with his wife and two kids. Together they explore the planet, giving him a plethora of new ideas.

Adam, there are a number of companies out now to aid in self-publication. CreateSpace is the largest, which stands to reason, because they are a subsidiary of Amazon.  There is also Bookbaby, Smashwords and Lulu. Which company or companies have you used and how would you describe your experience with them?
I'll be honest. I hated reviewing which self-publishing companies were out there in order to determine which one to use. There are just so darned many of them and ultimately the differences between them are rather small. I currently only use CreateSpace and Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (for ebooks) because Amazon does a really great job of helping out with (a minimal amount of) marketing. And, let's face it, they're really all about the self-pubbers right now...probably due to their battles with the big 6. I have used Smashwords in the past and found it to be a situation where it was too easy to get lost in the crowd. It does get you into a whole bunch of different sales platforms, but I really had no way of increasing my visibility on those platforms. Staying with Kindle Select might mean I don't get on those additional platforms, but more people actually see my covers, and that's what I'm looking for right now.

What promotional or craft building efforts have you done that have grown your following/fan base the most?
If there's one thing my fans know about me, it's that I'm a terrible marketer. That's not to say I haven't tried a multitude of things. Book reviewers, book promo sites, Facebook fan pages, Twitter accounts, my blog, message boards and whatever else, I try pretty much anything that comes across my plate. I've even tried some Google and Facebook ads. What I've found is that although they may give an increase in visibility, generally the crowd that it's being brought to is the wrong one. A lot of the followers of these different things are other authors hoping to find readers, who are generally disinterested in finding new things to read. So, in the end, they do nothing for the sales, but take a great deal of effort, and a hefty dose of stress. I'm always researching new methods for promoting my books, but I've yet to find anything that markedly increases exposure.

I will say, however, that between the two promotional opportunities available for Kindle Select authors, there seems to be a great opportunity to get your work in the hands of readers. On the free days on Kindle Select, you can see your book fly off the virtual shelves to 100x your normal sales. Many of them probably won't read the book because they are just clicking due to the word free being there, but it's safe to say you'll get some exposure that way. I've found that the new countdown deals they have actually work out better. Something about a discount seems to work for consumers better than just handing things out for free. I mean, how good could it be if it's free, right? I was amazed at how many sales I made with the countdown deals over a short period of time compared to normal numbers.

Thank you for taking time to share your new book with me and my readers.  I'll speak for all of us in wishing you much success on your launch of THE RISE OF THE FAT MOGUL.
Thanks for this series of insightful questions. I actually really enjoyed answering them.

THE RISE OF THE FAT MOGUL will be available on starting August 1, 2014 at

Find out more about Adam and his books for both young and old at, Twitter at @fatmogul and Facebook at

Sign up to receive e-mail notifications about new book releases by Adam Oster at Feel free to e-mail him at

Check out his Amazon author page at

And obtain your own copy of THE LEGEND OF BUDDY HERO at

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Interview with author, Adam Oster – Part One

Buddy Jackson, in THE LEGEND OF BUDDY HERO, was instantly endearing to me since he also has “a long-standing feud with mornings.” The hapless protagonist isn’t the only person who drinks to forget.  What Buddy has forgotten might just kill him, that is, it would if he wasn’t indestructible. 
Buddy is a meta-human and a former superhero, but a world-wide mind-swipe has left everyone unaware of his true character, especially Buddy. When his ultimate nemesis returns from oblivion, Buddy starts to change from a lazy drop-out to a hero as he encounters former enemies and friends.
Since the government turned its back on supers, their only supporter is mob boss, Arthur Flores.  The moral dilemma of working with the Flores Corporation is balanced against the alternative of facing the government.  It’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad ones.  Even arch-nemesis, Dominion, thinks he’s justified in destroying the world because God is on his side.  We question everyone’s motives, and reevaluate stereotypes.  In the end, good prevails, as it must, but another mind-swipe leaves the Defenders wondering, what’s next?
We get the answer to that question on August 1, 2014, when author, Adam Oster, releases Book Two in THE DEFENDERS SAGA.  Here is my interview with Adam on the dawn of his new book release.
Adam, give us the name of your new book and where we can find it.
It's called THE RISE OF THE FAT MOGUL, and it will be available through at

Pitch the book for us in your own words.
Saving the world doesn't mean squat if no one knows it was ever in trouble. Buddy Hero and The New Defenders may have defeated the villainous Dominion and saved the world from ultimate destruction, but thanks to another worldwide redaction, no one knows. So when a familiar face reappears and claims to be the head of the Meta Human Defense Team, the heroic team finds themselves facing the ultimate decision.

The New Defenders find danger coming at them from all sides as they face off against yet another world-threatening calamity, all in full view of the Sun City Comic Convention and the Real Life Superheroes.

Now if only they could come up with a way to pay the rent.

It's easy to make comparisons between your parody of the graphic novel superhero genre to Pixar's THE INCREDIBLES.
On the topic of The Incredibles...I had been working on The Legend of Buddy Hero for years before that movie came out, and when the first teaser came out for Brad Bird's great film, where an overweight Mr. Incredible is tossing on his tights for the first time in years, I was admittedly rather saddened. One of the sequences I had first come up with for this past his prime superhero was one very similar to that and I realized now I would appear to be copying. However, I have managed to incorporate what I believe to be a much more clever (and appropriate to the series) version of that scene into The Rise of the Fat Mogul, which is quite honestly one of my favorite scenes in the book. The Incredibles caused me to have to modify a lot of my original ideas for the book (you know, the ideas that bounced around in my head for the decade before I started putting words on the page). Movies like that (as well as graphic novels like The Watchmen) have trodden similar ground over the years and I wanted to be careful to pay homage, but not copy what had come before. To be unique, while recognizing what was there.

In THE INCREDIBLES, the super population is driven underground because people rebelled against property destruction caused by the heroic efforts of superheroes to save lives. In your saga, the Defenders follow government orders to save a bank while nearby a bus falls off a bridge and the citizens aboard it suffer and agonizing death by drowning. The difference is the government's involvement in controlling the superhero's efforts. Your government chooses to save property at the expense of a few lives.

The philosophical question you raise captured my interest. Does your second installment in THE DEFENDERS SAGA continue to explore these philosophical questions about society?
I think you'll find that The Rise of the Fat Mogul is a perfect continuation of the first book. There's a lot more revelation of the time before the original Mind Wipe, a lot more about what brought these characters to their current situation and a lot more of that basic philosophical question of, who is really doing what's best for the world. I'm pretty proud of it.

In THE LEGEND OF BUDDY HERO you took the time to not just develop dynamic protagonists, but you also created a robust backstory in Dominion, his psychotic break, and the tragedy that drove him to become a villain. Do you spend as much time developing backstory for the villain in the new book, THE RISE OF THE FAT MOGUL?
As the title might suggest, I like to consider that The Rise of the Fat Mogul is about the villains. Obviously, the story follows mostly from Buddy's perspective, but this one really gets into the nitty gritty of how these villains could have come about and gives a lot more of that origin type stuff that people love, but of course, not at the sacrifice of the action.

Also, in THE LEGEND OF BUDDY HERO there seemed to be some relationship building (or re-building) between Kid Zero and Maggie as well as between Buddy and Alexa. Will we see those relationships grow in THE RISE OF THE FAT MOGUL, or will you be introducing new characters?
Characters are what the books are all about to me, although I did do a lot with this book to try to cater to those who wanted some rather specific answers after reading the first. There's a lot of interpersonal action going on, in fact, the main catalyst for the basic action of the book is due to a renewed relationship between two of the main characters. you'll see, this book just doesn't stop there. We get conflicted relationships and. of course, new relationships with the new characters that come into play.

I also love that you bring up Zero and Maggie. Not many people seem to latch on to the fact that there's something going on there. Unfortunately, that won't be fully explored until book three, The Return of Kid Zero.

So, there you have it folks! More backstory, more action, new villains and new relationships await us in THE RISE OF THE FAT MOGUL, available August 1 on Tune in to my next blog post when my interview with author, Adam Oster, continues. He'll talk about himself and his experiences with this new world of self-publication.

Find out more about Adam and his books for both young and old at, Twitter at @fatmogul and Facebook at

Sign up to receive e-mail notification about new book releases by Adam Oster at Feel free to e-mail him at

Check out his Amazon author page at

And obtain your own copy of THE LEGEND OF BUDDY HERO at